Why You Should Repair or Replace Roof Before Selling Home

If you are planning to sell your home, there are so many things to consider, from searching for a real estate agent to deciding on a listing price. Not only that, but you may also have to repair or replace your roofing system before you put your home on the market. After all, a roof in good condition attracts potential home buyers.  

The team of roofing contractors in Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company explains the benefits of repairing or replacing your roof before selling your home. 

Get the Upper Hand in Negotiations 

When potential homebuyers learn that your roof is in a bad shape, they may feel discouraged and back out. They don’t want to focus on repairing or replacing a roof of a house they just purchased. So if your roof is showing signs of age or damage, you may want to invest in a roof replacement. This encourages buyers to choose your home and gives you the upper hand in negotiating the price. You can even use the new roof to justify the pricing. Otherwise, buyers may negotiate a smaller price based on the roof’s need for repairs. 

Enhance the Curb Appeal

First impressions do last. The first thing a potential home buyer would see is your exteriors. Aside from a gutter replacement, you should also think of a roof replacement. A roof that has missing shingles or obvious wear and tear can reduce the home’s aesthetic appeal. Unless you replace your roof, you’re likely not getting any inquiries or offers. Furthermore, there are also many new technologies you should consider to make your home stand out. Some asphalt shingles reflect solar heat, which boosts the home’s energy efficiency, while others have a slate-like appearance.

Increase the Resale Value

One of the biggest benefits of a new roof is that it can increase the resale value of your home. This depends on two factors. First, potential home buyers may ask for a lower price if they learn they need to replace the roof soon. As for the second factor, a new roof adds additional value to a home. In fact, according to Remodeling Magazine’s 2019 Cost VS Value Report, an asphalt shingle replacement offers a 68.2% return on investment, while a metal roof replacement provides 60.9%.

If you think your current will cause issues during your home sale, it’s best to have it replaced first. For top-quality roof replacement services, get in touch with Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company! We also provide gutters installation and more. Give us a call at (785) 628-3614 or fill out our online contact form to set an appointment. We proudly serve homeowners in Hays and Colby, KS.