What Is a Good Emergency Action Plan for Your Roof?

Although your roof is designed to protect its occupants from harsh weather elements, it can still sustain damage. For this reason, you need to make an emergency action plan for your roof. In the event of a hurricane or tornado, it can help minimize the spread of the damage and make it easier to take action quickly.  

Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company share a guide on creating a good emergency action plan for your roof before and after the storm. 

Before the Storm

Before a storm takes place, the most crucial step is to keep your roof in good condition by scheduling regular roof repairs and inspections. A well-maintained roof is likely to withstand extreme weather events and keep your family safe. During your annual roof inspection, a professional roofer will examine your roof and look for any signs of damage. If there are any, they will perform the necessary repairs to help you get ready for the storm. 

In addition to that, you need to build a strong working relationship with your roofing company. Keep their contact numbers on your phone and get in touch with them whenever you need roof inspections or repairs. This way, they will be able to help you in case of a roofing emergency.

After the Storm

Once it’s safe to go outside after a storm, you should walk around your property and visually inspect your roof. Remember that even a well-maintained roof can still sustain storm damage. If there are fallen power lines or electrical wires, be sure to keep away from them. To ensure safety, avoid going up on your roof. Instead, you may use a pair of binoculars to examine your roof from the ground. 

If you find signs of storm damage, it’s time to call your roofing company for a professional inspection. They will determine how bad the damage to your roof is and how long it will take to fix it. If you have homeowner’s insurance, you should also call your insurer and report the incident. Don’t forget to take videos or photos of the roof damage to back up your claim. 

Looking for experienced and qualified roofing contractors? Turn to Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company. Rest assured our team of experts is more than glad to assist you with your roof maintenance or repairs. Give us a call at (785) 628-3614 or fill out our online contact form to set an appointment. We offer services in Hays and Colby, KS.