How to Make Your Cedar Roof Last Longer

Like other roofing materials, cedar can last for many years with routine cleaning and maintenance. Caring for your roof won’t only extend its life, it will save you from costly repairs.

In this post, one of your most trusted roofing contractors, Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company Inc., discusses how to maintain cedar roofs.

The Importance of Preventive Maintenance

Choosing a quality grade of wood will benefit you in the long run. Old growth western heartwood cedar is considered the best kind.

Cedar shingles must be coated with the right finish before installation. This is to protect them from rainwater which can wash off the natural preservatives in cedar and cause deterioration. A suitable finish or pigment will also prevent moisture absorption through the sawn ends of the shingles.

For superior workmanship and exceptional roofing products, choose Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, Inc. We offer high-quality sheet metal and roofing options for residential and commercial properties.

Periodic Cleaning

One way to clean your cedar roof is by using a power washer at a pressure from 1,500 to 3,500. Make sure that the roof is free from moss, algae, mildew and loose wood fibers.

Prevent the moss and lichen growth by installing untreated copper, zinc, or galvanized flashing at the ridgetop and other roof angles. The particles of these metals dissolve in rainwater and deter plant growth for around 15 feet near the flashing.

Remove leaves, branches, seeds and other debris in the gutters. Clogged gutters can overflow when it rains or snows so make sure that it’s always free from debris. This can allow water to penetrate the shingles and cause damage. Remove overhanging branches that cast shadows to your roof to help rainwater evaporate faster.

Don’t use waterproofing sealants of finishes because wood shingles need to be able to breathe to stay in good shape. Check your roof for damage or loose shingles especially after a weather event. Any broken shingles must be replaced immediately to prevent moisture infiltration.

Hire Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company Inc., for your home exterior needs. We specialize in sheet metal fabrication services, roof replacement, roof repair and more. Call us at (785) 727-7575 or fill in our online form for a free estimate. We cater to homeowners in Colby and Hays, KS.