How Does Humidity Affect Your Roof?

Your roof goes through a lot every day, getting exposed to the local weather and suffering wear and tear because of it. Excess humidity, to be precise, can harm your investment in numerous ways. Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal discusses them here.

Roof Damage Caused by Moisture

Your roof is constantly exposed to the sun, causing heat to radiate into the attic and get trapped in there. Moisture can also accumulate inside this part of your home, promoting mold and mildew growth. If not addressed sooner, the roof’s wooden components, particularly the rafter, trusses and decking, may weaken due to rot, compromising the system’s structural integrity. The insulation inside the attic may also absorb the moisture, affecting your home’s comfort levels tremendously. Proper ventilation is therefore necessary to combat this issue.

Roof Damage Caused by Heat Accumulation

Excess heat can cause the wooden components of your roof to expand and contract, creating cracks, gaps and other openings where water can infiltrate. The presence of water into the heated attic leads to the formation of humidity. When this happens, the shingles become more susceptible to deterioration, showing signs of curling and shrinking.

Preventing Humidity Damage on Roofs

Proper ventilation, high-quality insulation, and regular maintenance can all help protect your roof against the effects of increased moisture in the air. Also, it’s wise to keep an eye out for signs of dampness or condensation within your home or visible damage to your roof, such as cracked shingles, peeling paint, eroded woodwork and leaky gutters.

For top-notch roofing services, turn to Roofmasters Roofing and Metal Sheet Company. We have an in-house team of trained roofing technicians who offer precise workmanship skills with every roofing project we take on. Give us a call at (785) 628-3614, or fill out our contact form to schedule an estimate.