Common Roofing Questions That Homebuyers Should Ask

People have many different reasons for buying a new property. It might be because your family is getting bigger and you need adequate space to live in. Or a new job has practically required you to buy a new home in a new area for convenience’s sake. Buying a home is a big investment and as a potential buyer, it’s up to you to do your research and properly ask the property owners about certain things. What are roofing questions you should be ready to ask as a potential homebuyer? Expert roofing contractors from Roofmasters Roofing are here to tell you! 

Current Age of the Roofing System

Knowing the age of the roofing system installed on the property you’re buying is crucial. If it’s only a few years old and an official inspection states that there are no apparent issues that need to be addressed, then all is well. But if the roof is nearing the end of its service life and the current owner did not do proper maintenance and replacements beforehand, it might not be a good idea to buy the property. The average asphalt shingle roof can last up to 20 to 25 years, and if the property you’re buying has had that same roof installed for over two decades, it’s bound to face multiple issues after you settle in there.

Drainage System

A commonly overlooked system within a roof, drainage systems are essential to having a good home. Drainage systems are in place so that when it rains, all the water your roof catches flows onto the gutters and downspouts and is safely directed away from your home and its support structures. If there has not been a single gutter replacement or repair in the records of the home you’re planning to buy, it’s probably not a good choice to go through with it.

Roof Insulation

A properly insulated roof and attic is key to having good indoor air quality, as well as having an energy-efficient home. A well-insulated attic prevents heated or cooled air from your HVAC system from leaking into the attic space, and a roof with properly installed roof vents lives much longer compared to those who don’t have them. A badly-insulated attic poses problems for energy efficiency and may cause moisture buildup that will end up rotting wooden parts of your roof and promote the growth of mold and mildew. Heat trapped within an attic, if not properly circulated out, can cook the shingles from below, and cause them to wear and age faster.

Contact Us!

Need help with your gutter replacement? Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, Inc is a family-owned roofing system company that has continuously delivered high-quality services and products since 1979. We take pride in our workmanship and provide only top-of-the-line products that are used in our residential, commercial, and metal roofing systems. With roofing experts with over 40 years of experience and skill, we assure you that our workers are highly qualified, skilled, and have all undergone rigorous training to provide the best roofing services you’ll ever need!

For any inquiries, contact us through (785) 628-3614 or fill out our contact form to request an estimate. We proudly serve clients and customers in Hays and Colby, KS.