An Overview of Trusses vs. Rafters

Whether you’re getting an asphalt or sheet metal roof, you must determine the type of support you’re going to use for your roofing system. Rafters and trusses are two options you can choose from. In this article, Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company breaks down what rafters and trusses are.


Rafters are essentially the skeleton of your roof. They’re the wooden structures that form the roof’s peak, creating the framework that supports your roof covering. One advantage of rafters is that they can offer more attic space, allowing for additional storage or room. However, installing rafters can be more labor-intensive, meaning a longer construction period and potentially higher costs.


Trusses are engineered to be strong and installed as one piece, making the process faster and potentially less expensive. With trusses, you can achieve perfect consistency throughout your roofing structure. However, one drawback for some homeowners is that trusses offer less flexibility for attic space.

Choosing Between Rafters and Trusses

Choosing between rafters and trusses is a significant decision that can affect your roof’s durability, cost and functionality. The decision between rafters and trusses often boils down to a few factors: cost, time and attic space considerations. While it might be tempting to decide on your own, it’s worth considering the advice of trusted roofing contractors. They can help ensure the right choice for your specific needs.

If you’re a homeowner in Hays or Colby, KS, the team at Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company is here to guide you. We also provide other roofing services, such as roof repair and replacement, gutter installation, and sheet metal fabrication. Call us at (785) 628-3614 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.