4 Tips to Prevent Roof Damage This Winter

Fall is far from over, which means there’s more time for you to prepare your home and protect it from the harsh winter weather. Snow, ice and freezing temperatures can cause some problems for your roof. Fortunately, preventing roof damage during the colder months can be straightforward once you know the basics. Your trusted roofing and sheet metal fabrication professionals share the following tips to keep in mind:

1. Inspect and Clean Your Gutters

If you haven’t given your gutters a look, now is the time to do so. You can’t afford to ignore clogs when the winter months arrive and the temperatures drop below freezing. Any standing water that has collected inside your gutters can easily turn into ice under such conditions.

2. Schedule a Roof Inspection

Instead of climbing up the ladder and putting yourself and your roof at risk, hire a professional roofing team to do a thorough inspection. Roofing contractors today use drones to obtain exact measurements and check the condition of all the roofing materials and components.

3. Get Rid of Roof Debris

Wind-carried debris can land on your roof and tumble around, causing cracks or dislodging the protective granules on your asphalt shingles. Wet leaves that have accumulated on your gutters and have since extended to your roof may promote mold growth. Small fruits or nuts attract rodents and other small animals to your home via the roof. Before fall ends, make sure you clear your roof of them before they can cause further damage in the winter.

4. Trim Overhanging Tree Branches

Freezing temperatures and cold winter winds can knock loose tree branches, causing them to land on your roof and inflict damage to the roof’s surface. As early as now, have them trimmed back at least 10 feet from your house.

Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal can help prepare your roof for the winter. As a sheet metal fabrication contractor, we also provide and install metal roofing systems that perform well under harsh weather conditions. Call (785) 628-3614 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve homeowners in Colby and Hays, KS.