3 Reasons You Need Shingle Blow-Off Repairs

Keeping a sturdy and long-lasting roof means being on the lookout for possible wind damage. The fact is that high wind speeds can lift and blow the asphalt shingles off your roof, leaving some areas of the system exposed–which will become a problem for you later on. The good news is that you can simply call your trusted roofing and gutters company, Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal, for prompt shingle blow-off repairs. We’ll expound why you’ll need them here:

  1. Keep Your Roof Leak-Free. We’ve mentioned that shingle blow-offs leave sections of your roof exposed, which makes it easier for water and moisture to find their way into the system. To prevent water damage to the roof structure and your home’s interior, you’ll want to deal with the issue immediately. But take care not to do the work yourself. For one thing, your safety should be a priority. Secondly, it’s easy for someone untrained to create a mistake that can potentially make the issue worse. 

The better idea is to call one of the area’s trusted roofing contractors, Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal. Our professional crew has the necessary training and experience to deal with your shingle blow-off. They’ll make sure to observe all the applicable safety measures and perform the work in a timely and efficient manner, allowing for more-than-satisfactory results. 

  1. Maintain Your Home’s Look. A roof with ‘bald’ sections won’t be doing your home any favors when it comes to curb appeal. If you want your home–and your roof–to remain in good shape, hit that speed-dial and have Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal repair the shingle blow-off as soon as possible.
  1. Prolong Your Roof’s Life. Once the water starts leaking into your roof via wind-damaged shingles, that’s when the problems start. Mold and rot can develop inside your attic, weakening the roof structure. Moisture will even seep into the ceiling and walls, leaving unsightly stains and streaks. These will never be an issue, however, if you turn to us for your roof repair needs. In fact, we’ll help you get the most out of your system’s life and performance.

Whether you need reliable shingle blow-off repairs or professional gutter replacement, Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal has got you covered. With our skilled and experienced team, we’ll make sure to restore your shingle roof to rights and extend its service life. Call us today at (785) 628-3614 or fill out this contact form to schedule your roof evaluation. We proudly serve the areas in and around Colby and Hays, KS.