3 Common Commercial Roofing Problems

Your commercial building’s roof is one of its most important components as it protects everyone inside the building while enhancing its energy efficiency. This is why you’ll need to have it inspected regularly by a professional roofing contractor to ensure that everything is in good working order. Also, several factors can affect your roof’s lifespan, such as the design, quality, and installation. However, no matter how much you try to prevent problems, you will run into them eventually as your roof ages. 

In this post, the expert on sheet metal and commercial roofing, Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal shares three common commercial roofing problems, and how you can solve them.

  1. Leaking Roof- Roof leaks can be found on any roofing system, whether it is a commercial roof or a residential roof. In fact, it’s one of the most damaging roofing issues since you might only notice it when it has worsened. After all, water can cause other problems on your roof such as mold and mildew growth which can spread throughout your building. Thankfully, this can be solved by following a proactive maintenance schedule that eliminates or reduces the points where water can infiltrate your building.
  2. Poor Installation or Workmanship- If your roof was installed by subpar roofers, make sure that you contact skilled and certified roofing contractors the next time around. You can estimate the caliber of their work by asking for a few things. These include asking if they have a checklist that they follow before installing your roof. They should also conduct moisture surveys, especially if you have a roof with insulation. Also, you can check third-party websites to see what clients have to say about the quality of their workmanship. Remember that your roof is only as good as the way it’s installed. 
  3. Roof Punctures- Roof punctures and penetrations are more common among single-ply roofing systems. This problem occurs due to high foot traffic on your roof. To solve this problem, make sure that the amount of people working on your roof is limited and that they should conduct cursory inspections after working on your roof to ensure that it’s in proper condition.

Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, Inc. is a locally owned and operated business. We provide various services including roof installation, sheet metal fabrication, and more. Call us at (785) 628-3614 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate. We serve customers in Hays and Colby, KS.