Where Rainwater From Your Gutter System Should Go

Your gutter system is an extremely important part of your home. It keeps rainwater from flowing out everywhere, directing it toward the downspouts and away from your property. However, have you ever wondered where the water should go? Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company, explains further. 

Where Should Rainwater Go?

There are three options on where rainwater runoff flowing through your gutters and downspouts should go:

A drainage pit can be built in your garden. It provides safe drainage without interfering with your home’s curb appeal. All it takes is to excavate a section of the ground, usually three feet deep, three feet wide, and three feet long. It is partially filled with polished stone and connected to a drain pipe. The drain pipe must be installed in the lowest area so it would catch the water from the soil. Before having it built, make sure to check with your city or county government about residential stormwater management standards.

A rain barrel stores water so it can be used for other purposes such as watering your plants during the dry season. All you need to do is add a diverter to your downspout so it will deliver the water into the barrel and not directly to the ground. Make sure to try to use the collected water regularly and store it in a shady and protected area. This is to make sure that there will be no algae growth.

Installing a big underground tank to collect all the water is also an option. The tank is then connected to a filter and a pump so the water can be reused when needed. If you plan on watering your plants through an irrigation system, a rainwater collecting system is worth considering.

What Happens When Your Gutters and Downspouts Aren’t Working Properly?

You may notice your gutters are overflowing due to clogs. This can cause runoff to back up your roof, resulting in leaks and other forms of roof damage. The water may also accumulate too close to your home because your downspouts are too short. This, however, increases the risk of damaging your home’s foundation and structure.

There are also times when your gutter system doesn’t have enough downspouts installed. If this happens, your gutters may collapse at some point due to the excess load. Rainwater may also overflow and spill out to your garden and landscaping, causing the soil to erode. When installing new gutters, make sure your contractor takes proper downspout placement and length and the use of appropriate accessories into account.

For your gutter and downspout needs, trust Roofmasters Roofing and Sheet Metal Company. Call us now at (785) 628-3614 or fill out our contact form to schedule your free estimate. We serve clients in Hays and Colby, KS.